- {{teams.current.teamName}}
{{secondaryProgressCount()}} {{campaign.secondaryProgressName}}
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{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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Welcome to Ateres High School – Gateshead’s ONLY Girls’ High School! Ещё ...

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Have you ever heard of a school that has בלי עין הרע grown tenfold over 8 years, and yet not added a single permanent classroom?
Have you ever heard of a school that has בלי עין הרע grown tenfold over 8 years, and yet has not allowed this to compromise its commitment to the spiritual & emotional growth of every student, and also achieves the very highest levels of parental satisfaction?

Welcome to Ateres High School – Gateshead’s ONLY Girls’ High School!

With the strong encouragement of the Gateshead Rov שליט"א, Ateres opened its doors in אלול תשע"א (September 2011) with 25 girls on roll, and by אלול תשע"ט (September 2019) its student body had grown to almost 250 בנות ישראל!
Our 80 vibrant & devoted staff invest extraordinary כוחות to בס"ד ensure that the school is always a happy, warm and caring environment where each & every girl is able to succeed & reach her full potential in all areas.
Through enormous סייעתא דשמיא, we are זוכה to offer our בנות ישראל a vibrant קודש curriculum that is truly ‘gold standard’, and an extensive extra-curricular program that promotes our girls’ excitement and depth in Yiddishkeit. This is complemented by our General Studies curricula which offers our girls the opportunity to study for 9 GCSEs (out of the 12 GCSE subjects that we offer). בלי עין הרע we have a tremendous track record of success in enabling our girls to achieve the highest grades.

This unprecedented growth has brought considerable challenges – most notably a lack of classroom space, which has even led to regular timetabled lessons being held in the school’s kitchen!
In order to accommodate our ever-increasing intake, in 2015-16 we hastily constructed 4 temporary wooden classrooms which are not really fit for purpose, and desperately need to be replaced by a solid ‘brick build’.
Based on the number of girls in the local primary school, we project that over the next 3 years our school is due to grow by at least an additional 20%, and that we will require yet another 3 classrooms by then. 
In addition to the challenges we face with classroom space, many other facilities such as cloakrooms, WCs, staffrooms, tutorial rooms have been stretched to their very limits and beyond!

Although our classroom space is restricted, our expansive 7 acre grounds have enormous potential, and בחסדי שמים we have received planning permission to construct a new purpose built classroom block which will contain sufficient classrooms for our current requirements and our near-term projected growth, thus allowing our current and future תלמידות to thrive and have the facilities required to take full advantage of each school day.

Over our 8 and a half years of existence, we have benefitted from the considerable generosity from friends of our school, which has enabled us to purchase our current site and to cover our day to day expenses.
This essential ‘Expansion’ project however, will cost well in excess of £1,300,000 and in order to fund this vital venture, we must reach out beyond our קהילה to all those wishing to take part in building a suitable abode for the חינוך of future דורות of בנות ואמהות ישראל.
With your help and your wholehearted support, we can make sure the Gateshead girls have the חינוך they deserve.