Constantly Raising High Standards
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Beis Eliyohu is that Cheder of dreams realized! Giving their all in every way- beyond what you can imagine! More ...

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Talmud Torah Beis Eliyohu opened 16 Years ago to provide the Ramat Beit Shemesh community with an educational institution which focuses on learning, education and the needs of each individual student and liaises very closely with parents. The Cheder started with 16 students in Kindergarten and today has 563 students in 20 classes starting at age 3 in Gan up to and including Class/Grade 8 supported by 60 members of staff.

The Cheder is an environment of educational excellence tempered by fulfilling the needs of each student. Ahavas HaTorah and Yiras Shamayim permeate the Rabbeim, the students and all associated with the Cheder.

Beis Eliyohu’s mission is to provide every individual child with social, emotional and educational development. Our very professional and experienced staff, which includes a correctional reading expert, a rhythmicist, remedial teachers & tutors, are highly trained and interact with the children. The Cheder encourages and supports those students needing extra help, attention and support.

Our Rabbeim are top Mechanchim, who are very talented and have a unique approach to chinuch in the classroom. They invest tremendous Kochos Hanefesh and endless hours each and every day in helping the children thrive. The Cheder focuses on extracurricular activities as well, such as incentive programs, Projects and Chazorah Programs, thereby creating a warm feeling towards learning, chinuch and true Ahavas HaTorah.Students and parents arrive every day at Beis Eliyohuu with visible palpable joy and expectation.

The Cheder continues to grow in size, together with our constant focus in providing all extra services required by our staff and parents and so in consequence necessitating increased costs. Our current annual expenditure budget is in excess of 8 million shekel.

Ongoing spiralling costs to finance the running and maintenance of our Cheder have become overwhelming. Therefore, we are inviting you to assist the Cheder financially to ensure the Cheder maintains its current standards. Therefore, we are launching a Cheder fundraising campaign this Tuesday and Wednesday, ב-ג חנוכה. Our goal is 2,400,000 shekels.

We thank you in advance for your passion and understanding and for partnering together with us in our incredible goals of developing our children, the future of Klal Yisroel.

Please financially assist the Cheder, Hashem yishalem secharam, only HK”BH can repay you and may we share in much continued Nachas from all our children in משפחת בית אליהו.

Wishing you much success, good health and happiness always.

Chanukah Sameach
With tremendous appreciation,
Aryeh Domnitz

Menahel Talmud Torah Beis Eliyohu