Bet Nechama
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Ursprüngliches Ziel {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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Bet Nechama has a vision for the future... Mehr ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} mit  {{donor.teamName}} 


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{{community.totalRaisedQty}} Donations
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Thank you precious souls for the outpouring of love, support and blessings. A campaign always shows the power of our uniting forces to bring more goodness to our planet. Let's keep the good energy going!
Bet Nechama has a vision of creating a fund for more "safe homes and theraputic support" for girls who are victims of trauma or abuse. Our model can be duplicated in other cities and communities world wide and together we can have an impact on reducing suicide and saving lives. Moreover, girls who walk the path of healing often go on to being supportive members of the community and holding the hands of others in need.
Thank you again for extending yourselves so generously to support this important cause.
May the goodness you have given out come back to you ten fold and may you and your loved ones know only peace, health and happiness.
Thank you with all my heart.
(Founder and House Mother)

Bet Nechama is a therapeutic home complex, providing safety and comfort for girls from religious backgrounds who are on a healing journey. Situated in the quiet and mixed neighbourhood of Ramot 06, Yerushalayim, bet Nechama offers an ideal environment for girls needing space while feeling supported as they heal.

The home is run by Nachshon and Sara Vital (Wittler) both alternative health practitioners who offer holistic and detox treatments, and have years of experience supporting young adults physically and emotionally as they heal from trauma.

Bet Nechama offers a warm homely atmosphere to young ladies wishing to live semi independently, holding a job or studying while receiving therapy in a supportive accepting environment.

Bet Nechama’s mission is to help young ladies who've been through challenges to integrate back into society while feeling supported and nurtured. Girls who feel their attachment to the world is weak are supported as they gain a stronger connection to life and their unique part in it. This is often a life-changing step for them.

Bet Nechama is not a school or a program. It is a home, offering full board and lodging as well as support and personal mentoring. Its secret lies in its natural approach to wellness and wholesome living. The team of professionals and mentors working with Bet Nechama all operate under the same principals of Love, acceptance, authenticity and “no agenda”. This genuine and natural approach is embraced and appreciated by the girls living in the home, allowing them to feel held as they discover themselves and heal.

The home is named after the late Mrs Norma (Nechama) Wittler who's life and legacy personified overlooking the externals and seeing through to the neshama of every person, offering them strength, solace, hope, and trust in Hashem.

When we hear of a young suicide, we cry out in pain. The community asks… how could this happen? What more could we have done?

Needless to say, saving life is held in the highest esteem according to Torah values.

We therefore step back and ask ourselves, is there anything we can be doing to prevent this?

As always, love, connection, feeling held, understood and having a place to belong are the most valuable contributing factors to the health and wellbeing of human beings.

Bet Nechama’s mission is be a home where a girl will feel loved and accepted for the beautiful soul she is regardless of her struggle. A place where she will feel held and heard and know that she is not alone.

Please check out our website

Your support can save lives.

קצת עלינו

בית נחמה היא בית חם לצעירות בגלאים 15 עד 22, שעברו אתגרים או טראומה ומעוניינות לחיות במסגרת תומכת אבל עצמאית. הבנות בבית נחמה עובדות או לומדות תוך כדי קבלת טיפול בסביבה מכילה מקבלת ותומכת.

הגישה הטבעית של בית נחמה נותנת קבלה וחום שמאפשרת לבנות לגלות את הכוחות שלהן ולהתקדם לחיות חיים בריאים ויעילים.

יש בתוכנו צעירות שנאבקות באתגרים יומיומיים ומרגישות לבד. המטרה של בית נחמה היא לתמוך ולתת בית ומענה הוליסטי לבנות האלה. התמיכה הנכונה בזמן הנכון יכול לעשות את כל ההפרש ולתת חיים חדשים לבנות שנזקקות.

תבקרו את האתר שלנו...

נא לעזור לנו לעזור להם. תנו בית חם לעוד בחורה שצריכה...

תתרמו עכשיו.

ביחד נציל חיים ונהפוך את העולם למקום טוב יותר!