Bnos Yisroel School Manchester
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
{{secondaryProgressCount()}} {{campaign.secondaryProgressName}}
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Objectif originel {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

Bnos Yisroel School has been a cherished part of our קהילה for over six decades, nurturing young minds and hearts with a blend of academic excellence and תורה values. Plus ...

Ceci est une campagne de jumelage, chaque don sera jumelé x2 par nos généreux donateurs
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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} avec  {{donor.teamName}} 

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{{community.totalRaisedQty}} Dons
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Bnos Yisroel School has been a cherished part of our קהילה for over six decades, nurturing young minds and hearts with a blend of תורה values and academic excellence. As the largest Jewish girls' school in Northern England, we are committed to providing a comprehensive and well-rounded education to our 675 students, בלי עין הרע.

To meet the growing demand for places and ensure that every girl has the opportunity to learn and thrive, we embarked on an ambitious building project almost 10 years ago. This expansion aims to transform our High School into a three-form entry moisad, allowing us to admit an additional 125 students.

While significant progress has been made, we are now at a critical juncture. The completion of the interior and essential facilities requires your support. Your donation will directly contribute to creating a nurturing environment where future generations of students can flourish.

By contributing, you are not just supporting a school; you are investing in the future of our קהילה. Your generosity will help us continue to provide an education rooted in תורה values, preparing our young women to lead and inspire in the years to come.

Please consider making a donation today. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us closer to our goal and makes a lasting impact on the lives of our students.
