Bais Yaakov Elementary School
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At Bais Yaakov, OUR children's and grandchildren's Chinuch is OUR top priority.  Mehr ...

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{{donor.timeAgo}} mit  {{donor.teamName}} 


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At Bais Yaakov, OUR children's and grandchildren's Chinuch is OUR top priority.  Their school years are the foundation of their lives preparing them to be the next generation of yidishe mothers. OUR own lives are productive and meaningful due in no small part, to the lessons we learned from our teachers.

OUR Moros give their heart and soul to YOUR children and grandchildren. Their days are spent instilling in their students our mesorah and true values.  Many hours are spent preparing exciting lessons, stories and visual aids and designing extra-curricular activities so that every student can shine.

It’s time for you to STEP IN and STAND UP!  BYES is honored to partner with Torah Umesorah's worldwide campaign, Let’s Stand up for our Morahs”.

This undertaking adds an additional $1 million dollars to our existing $2,000,000 dollar fundraising drive.

Ensure that OUR students continue to receive the highest quality Chinuch and show YOUR chashivus for those who have followed their calling in chinuch.

On behalf of the entire leadership, administration, and faculty of Bais Yaakov Elementary School, we thank you for standing with us.