Your Future Our Mission!
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Cette campagne fait partie de   Chabad UK Giving Day , Total collecté £1 557 809

Chabad Mill Hill East is Here for You! Plus ...

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Chabad Mill Hill East is Here for You!

Dear Friends,

For almost 2 years, we have been at the forefront of servicing the Jewish community in Mill Hill East. As a result of the many new housing developments being built, the area has become a fast growing community with many young Jewish families moving into the area. Our Chabad philosophy means that we are there at the forefront, helping every Jew with whatever they need, regardless of affiliation, that moves into the area.

Constant Growth: 

Our family has been at Mill Hill East for under 2 years. With the funds that we raised the previous year,  we had over 250 people in attendance at our public menorah lighting. We also built the first ever public sukkah in Mill Hill East at our Belmont farm event, providing hot food and entertainment on chol hamoed. We were also able to launch our Jewish Women’s Circle - so far we have done cheesecake making, salad recipes, ceramic seder plate painting, beauty night, soap making, and Shavuot flower bouquets. We have regularly provided challah and chicken soup on a weekly basis to many, handed out matzah and Seder kits for Pesach, cheesecakes for Shavuot, and delivered over 100 mini honey cakes for Rosh Hashana.  We also continue to work very closely with the Jewish Blind and Disabled Centre in Mill Hill East, offering pastoral care, and hosting the main festivals for them.

You Can Make a Difference!

In under two years, we have grown tremendously and met so many Jews in the area. To us, every Jew matters. We want to make Judaism accessible and exciting for everyone however they need it. For 36 hours only, every pound will be MATCHED and With YOUR help, we hope to reach our goal of £20,000.

We truly appreciate your support, thank you!

Dovie and Jessica Schochet