Lighting up the South!
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{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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Cette campagne fait partie de   Chabad UK Giving Day , Total collecté £1 557 809

Chabad South London Campuses Plus ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} avec  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Chabad South London Campuses:

Since 2008, the Cohen family has dedicated their lives to serving the Jewish students and young professionals of South London and Surrey 
Serving among others, S George's, Royal Holloway, Goldsmiths, Kingston and Roehampton universities, Rabbi Dovid, Sora, and the Cohen clan are second home to students from the entire range of Jewish backgrounds, from secular to religious and everyone in-between.

They strive to provide both a horizontal, peer to peer connection, as well as a vertical connection to the Creator and His Torah and mitzvos.

Provision of kosher food, One-to-one learning, and legendary Friday night and yomtov meals are some of the most popular ways that young people join, feel special, and feel a part of something much bigger.

Above all, at Chabad in South London we recognise that every Jew is special and of infinite value.

Please give as generously as you can to support these young Jews at the most crucial and impactful time of their lives.