For thousands of years the Jewish people have understood the importance of Torah learning. What is less well understood today is the special reward that awaits those who support Torah learning in a particular way: through a Yissochor Zevulun partnership.
Many have heard of this idea, and are familiar with the straight forward idea conveyed in Parshas Vezos Habrocho. Here our father Ya'akov blesses his children and highlights the special relationship between Yissochor and Zevulun. The former, Yissochor, would be blessed through their Torah learning. The later, Zevulun, would be blessed through the support they provided their brother.
However, the depth of this idea and in particular its practical application, is often not fully grasped. This perhaps explains why, despite their enormous value, Yissochor Zevulun partnerships are not as common as they might be.
Put simply, there is an explicit, yet sadly overlooked, opportunity for brothers – Achim – to support each other in a way that brings immeasurable rewards.
This is the goal of The Achim Scheme: to publicise this unique opportunity, creating precious partnerships.
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{{campaign.metadata?.info?.aka}} will receive an extra 25%, {{donation.receive *1.25 |currency('GBP')}} in total
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