Gateshead Beis Hatalmud
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Gateshead Beis Hatalmud


Gateshead Beis Hatalmud was established in 1977, by the then Gateshead ראשי ישיבה, Reb Leib Guwicz and Reb Leib Lopian זצ"ל and the Gateshead Rov, Rav Bezalel Rakov זצ"ל.


We have a purpose-built building incorporating a בית המדרש and other facilities. This was acquired with the assistance of our patrons, the late Mr & Mrs Noe of Hendon ז"ל.


Our principal aim is to provide our Yungerleit with an environment wherein they can further their studies and training, for positions in public service, be they in the Rabbinate, teaching or youth work. The בית המדרש is a focal point for many members of the community, where they can enjoy the serene atmosphere after a day’s work. Retired members of the community spend a large share of their day utilising the warm environment we provide.


Our Alumni List attests to our admirable achievements. Our graduates occupy prominent positions including Rabbinical. Other graduates are on the teaching staff in Grammar Schools across the UK, while some are active in youth work in the USA and Canada as well as areas nearer home.


We rely totally on voluntary contributions. Raising the required funds is a formidable undertaking at the best of times. The current pandemic has greatly frustrated our ability and most avenues of fundraising are currently frozen. We are therefore all the more reliant on the generosity and benevolence of our friends and supporters for their support

