Welcome to the new permanent Beis Shmuel donation page
This page has been set up to accept all the various types of donations that you may want to make during the course of the year.
These include donations in regard to:
* Membership & seats
* שבת or weekday עליות
* Any נדבות
* General pushke donations including for עניי עירך \ תלמוד תורה (normally placed in wall pushkes)
* יום טוב עליות
* Any other צדקה collections the Shul may make during the course of the year
We hope that this page will make it far quicker and easier for all Mispallelim and Members to donate to the Beis Hamedrash however, should you require any assistance, a member of the Committee can always be contacted in the normal manner.
Wishing you and your families a כתיבה וחתימה טובה and a forthcoming year full of בריאות, נחת and פרנסה.
The Rov shlita, Gabboim and Committee
This page has kindly been sponsored by Charity Extra, so that every penny you donate reaches the recipient.
Donation to the selected teams are matched x{{donation.teamMatch}}!
Your total donation:
{{donation.tipAmount + donation.amountTotal|currency(donation.currency)}}
Charity Extra helps projects like Beth Shmuel to raise the money they need.
We're not charging a platform fee so we rely on your tips to continue supporting more projects across the globe.
Your tip will be added on to your donation and shown on the receipt
Tip amount: {{donation.tipAmount|currency(donation.currency)}}
Your total amount to pay: {{donation.tipEmbedTotal|currency(campaign.multiCurrencyDisplay?donation.currency:null)}}