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We are excited to offer you this rare opportunity to participate in this series by HaRav Gershon Miller Shlita, Mashgiach of Gateshead Yeshiva Gedolah.
This series will give new parents and veteran parents the foundations of parenting, and a fresh look at understanding the נשמה of a child, no matter their age.
This series will be live streamed and will not be available for download.
Donation to the selected teams are matched x{{donation.teamMatch}}!
Your total donation:
{{donation.tipAmount + donation.amountTotal|currency(donation.currency)}}
Charity Extra helps projects like Beis Yaakov Primary School to raise the money they need.
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Tip amount: {{donation.tipAmount|currency(donation.currency)}}
Your total amount to pay: {{donation.tipEmbedTotal|currency(campaign.multiCurrencyDisplay?donation.currency:null)}}
{{ gateway.isCC ? 'Credit or debit card' :}}
Unavailable with recurring
{{ gateway.isCC ? 'Credit or debit card' :}}
Unavailable with recurring
{{campaign.metadata?.info?.aka}} will receive an extra 25%
{{campaign.metadata?.info?.aka}} will receive an extra 25%, {{donation.receive *1.25 |currency('GBP')}} in total
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Thank you so much for your donation to Beis Yaakov Primary School