Gateshead Cheder
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Gateshead Cheder

Driven by the vision of the legendary Rav Chaim Kaufman zt”l, the Cheder has blossomed into a leading Moisad Hachinuch with almost three hundred Talmidim, led by a team of expert Mechanchim.
 Three years ago the school moved into the 10-storey Bede House former office block, providing vital space for expansion. It was at this time that the final jewel was added to Talmud Torah Orchos Chaim, with the opening of the Mesivta – the secondary school department.
 But with growth comes new challenges. And we now turn to you to become our partners in our venture to maintain this wonderful Moisad.
 When you donate, you grab a share of the Zechus of all the Torah and Yidishleit that’s being infused in the Talmidim
 With one click, you can help the the Gateshead Cheder write the next chapter of its history.

Because of you, these Talmidim will nurture a love of Torah that will stay with them for life.
 Please open your heart and become a pillar of the Gateshead Cheder today
