The Gateshead Kehilla
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The Gateshead Kehilla

Welcome to charity page of the Gateshead Kehilla!

This page has been set up to accept all the various types of donations that you may want to make during the course of the year.

These include donations in regard to:

* Kehilla Membership & seats in Shul
* שבת or weekday עליות
* נדרים & נדבות
* Any other צדקה collections the Shul may make during the course of the year
* Sponsor a Kiddush or any other event
* Contribution to the Mikve

We hope that this page will make it far quicker and easier for all Mispallelim and Members to donate to the Shul, however, should you require any assistance, please call the Kehilla office on 0191 9087094 or
