Kollel Beis Aharon
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Kollel Beis Aharon

Kollel Beis Aharon, is dedicated to empowering אברכים to excel in becoming accomplished תלמידי חכמים and מרביצי תורה. Under the energetic guidance of its esteemed Rosh HaKollel, HaRav Yaakov Aronovitz שליט"א, the yungerleit spend their days immersed in intense לימוד התורה, mastering complex areas of גמרא and הלכה, with an emphasis on personal growth and development. The Kollel's existence has a major impact on the surrounding Kehilla, drawing many through its doors for שיעורים, תפילות and לימוד בחברותא.

The Kollel has been recognisably influential in the transformation of Edgware, NW London and beyond. Avreichim advance to take positions in local Mosdos HaTorah where they disseminate the knowledge and achievements accumulated during their years spent at the Kollel. The Kollel takes pride in the significant number of posts its alumni hold as Rabbonim, מגידי שיעור and מרביצי תרה in NW London and beyond.

The נשיא ומייסד הכולל Dayan Ehrentreu זצ"ל, the inspiring force and visionary behind the Kollel, foresaw the necessity to expand the NW London Torah community, and dreamt to establish Edgware as a מקום תורה. He passionately pursued this vision, bringing it to reality with the establishment of the Kollel and selflessly overseeing its transformation to the bastion of Torah and Tefilla it is today.
Ivor Smith ז"ל, was a founder and close friend of the Kollel. The Kollel – Yitzchok Yeranen now carries his name. May the continuity of the Kollel bring an עילוי to his נשמה טהורה.

With your support and generosity the Kollel will have the ability to continue providing a framework for אברכים בני עלייה, the effects of which echo far beyond the walls of the Kollel.
