Kollel Kinyan Hashas was established in חשון תשע"ו recognising the demand and great necessity for a solid framework to learn through מסכתות in their entirety, thereby presenting an opportunity to gain over time בעז"ה an encyclopedic knoledege of ש"ס.
The Kollel is unique in accomodating & welcoming anyone seeking to learn sincerely; It comprises various ages, stages and types.
The serious commitment of the חברי הכולל to the סדרים and the daily עמוד, complemented by monthly חזרות and בחינות as well as a special custom- designed מסכתא קנין Chazoro program, all contribute to the Kinyan the yungeleit have acquired in the מסכתות learnt.
In addition to the popular חבורות of the Rosh Chabura, the members gather weekly to hear their fellow Avreichim deliver a חבורה, generating vital פלפול חברים and a feeling of achdus amongst them.
Periodical קונטרסים of Chidushei Torah including the recent publication of the sefer קניני פסחים on מסכת פסחים, testify to the clarity the chabura has attained.
As part of the vibrant atmosphere of "בית המדרש "היכל אברהם this exclusive חבורה which began with a small group of 6 has בלע"ה expanded and developed into an incredible מקום תורה.
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