Zichron Baruch
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
Kollel Zichron Yehuda Chaim

We all know this past year has been a turbulent one; many suffering from sickness, pay cuts, job losses and the
loss of loved ones ר"ל .The changes to our everyday lives have been overwhelming as we have been riding the
storm of lockdowns and closures. However, despite everything, our priorities have not changed; Torah learning
must continue regardless. Our community takes great pride in the fact that despite all the challenges, our Yeshivos
and Kollelim continue stronger than ever, whether remotely or in person, whenever legally possible.

Kollel Zichron Yehuda Chaim is a full day Kollel that opened 3 years ago and currently has 16 high-calibre Yunger-
leit who spend their day devoted to תורה learning.
Kollel  Zichron Yehuda Chaim is under the leadership of Harav Dovid Lefkowitz  שליט"א.
The Kollel has thrived and grown yearly, becoming a sterling chaburah of renown. This year is no different; having re-
cently accepted an additional 3 yungerleit.
We are deeply grateful for all donations and contributions. May it be a merit to protect you and all your friends and family.
