Lev Shomea provides our community with invaluable subsidised therapy. Your donation will enable vital sessions to people who couldn’t afford it otherwise, bringing them positive change and relief.
Пожертвования выбранных команды умножены на x{{donation.teamMatch}}!
Your total donation:
{{donation.tipAmount + donation.amountTotal|currency(donation.currency)}}
Charity Extra helps projects like Lev Shomea to raise the money they need.
We're not charging a platform fee so we rely on your tips to continue supporting more projects across the globe.
Your tip will be added on to your donation and shown on the receipt
Tip amount: {{donation.tipAmount|currency(donation.currency)}}
Your total amount to pay: {{donation.tipEmbedTotal|currency(campaign.multiCurrencyDisplay?donation.currency:null)}}