Menorah Grammar School
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Menorah Grammar School

Menorah Grammar School is a leading secondary school for boys in North West London, and aims to provide almost 300 pupils a top-quality Kodesh education and an excellent, well-rounded secular education. Our ethos and vision is to inculcate our students with a love for Torah and learning, and Yeshivos regularly tell us that the Menorah Grammar boys are among the best in terms of their middos, knowledge and hasmodoh.


Our Darchei Noam Centre is truly a hub of excellence: a specialist unit dedicated to providing education, skills and support to some of the most vulnerable and challenging boys in our kehilloh.  We are the only Charedi school in the UK that can offer boys such a rich, personalised learning programme with integration into mainstream life. DNC’s range of courses, therapies and activities are designed to bring out the very best in each student and many go on to yeshivos, employment and further study as a result of this unique centre.


As a privately funded school, MGS relies heavily on community funding to support its finances. Accordingly, we are very grateful for all contributions.
