Yeshiva Gedola Nezer Hatorah
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Yeshiva Gedola Nezer Hatorah

Yeshivas Nezer Hatorah was founded for bochurim who needed a smaller yeshiva where they would find warmth and understanding, compassion and empathy, combined with focused, vibrant sedorim and thought-provoking shmuzen and va’adim. 
Our constant focus is to ensure that every Bochur is given the chance to succeed, no matter what his past success rate may have been, and to build each Bochur to fully utilise their own unique strengths and talents for Limud Hatorah, Avodas Hashem and Kiddush Shem Shamayim

To enable this one-of-a-kind Yeshiva to continue its unique Avodas Hakodesh to please donate today, and help us continue our vital work.

With grateful thanks.
