Prestwich Ahavas Chessed
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Prestwich Ahavas Chessed

Prestwich Ahavas Chesed (PAC) was set up in 2004 and assists families in Prestwich, England who are struggling to afford some basic essentials such as food, clothing etc. We assist especially around the time of Pesach and Succos. The people we help include teachers, working people, those out of work, single parent families and individuals requiring ongoing medical care, to name just a few. Due to the current unfortunate situation there has been a big increase in demand.

Please help this worthy cause and come to the aid of those less fortunate so they too can have an enjoyable Yom Tov.

We are extremely grateful for your support.

Thank you,

Meir Joseph, Chaim Davis, Joel Debson, Dovid Nissenbaum, Michoel Hoch and Avi Leifman
