KCY Manchester
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
Kollel Chibas Yerusholayim M/cr

Kollel Chibas Yerusholayim needs little introduction.

A holy tradition since 1830, it has been an organisation that continues to raise aloft the torch of Tzedoka and Chesed that the צדיקי וגדולי עליון of yesteryear ignited over 190 years ago. It has and continues to ensure the daily existence of thousands of families of myriad Torah students, large families, widows and orphans.

In every generation, contributors to Kollel Chibas Yerusholayim have viewed there donations as a great merit and סגולה for themselves and their loved ones. In fact the heads of the European Kollel presidium during their time were the famous צדיקים of Pshevorsk, the holy Reb Itzk'l זי"ע and following him his holy son in law Reb Yankele זי"ע. They were famed miracle-workers, however, they are known to have said that all the yeshuos came in the merit of Tzedoka given to Tzidkas Kollel Chibas Yerusholayim!

Your kind contribution will  support;

  • The 'Chaluka' (quarterly stipend).

  • The wedding fund.

  • The medical care fund.

  • The dental clinics.

  • The central free-loan fund.

  • The clothing warehouse.

Whilst Chibas Yerusholayim's range of chesed is wide, it is not enough. We would like to bring a smile to the faces of many more Jewish children whose families are in distress, and ignite new hope in the hearts of many more distraught widows and orphans.

Our dependable assistance doesn't happen by itself. It depends on kind-hearted Jews like you, who feel it is a privilege to help the poor and needy of ארץ ישראל.

Every penny joins another until it collects into large amounts, conferring double benefits by helping the needy and giving the donor untold heavenly merits.

Please kindly click on the tab below to take part in this holy task, and do give us a call to receive your 'Goldene' Pushka or for more information on;

0161 883 2125

Tizku Lemitzves! Thank you!
