Rabbi Kallus Kollelim
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Rabbi Kallus Kollelim

In the heart of Yerushalayim, R’ Shragi Kallus has built kollelim for avreichim who want to shteig in the daled amos shel halacha. The Kollelim are places for mastery of halacha in a broad range of topics, from basar v’chalav and hilchos Shabbos to ribbis and mezuzah. This unique place of learning and growth is designed for yungerleit to gain both halachic knowledge and hashkafic clarity.

Rav Shragi Kallus’s dynamic daily shiurim provide the avreichim with foundational knowledge on the depth of the halachic process. R’ Shragi’s ability to combine halacha and hashkafa is masterful and provides clear direction for anyone seeking to live a Torah life. His dedication to the kollel members is legendary, and his approachability and warmth foster a unified atmosphere within the kollel.

As the Rav of Kehillas Imrei Phi, and a rebbi in Yeshivas Torah Ore, Yeshivas Aderes HaTorah, Yeshivas Beis Yisroel, and many other yeshivos, he engages audiences of all kinds with an appreciation and understanding of halacha l’maaseh. R’ Shragi gives a weekly halacha shiur to the Agudah (via Zoom) and is one of the main magidei shiur at the Mir Yarchei Kallah in Yerushalayim as well as at the Summer Yarchei Kallah in England. R' Shragi has given over 14,000 shiurim over the past 13 years, many of which can be found on TorahAnytime and Shas Illuminated, and his shiurim are currently being transcribed into books. Several books have been published to date (Feldheim Publishers): Wine Whisky & Halachah; The Laws of Yichud; Hadlakas Neiros & Hafrashas Challah

Email Us: rabbikalluskollelim@gmail.com
