The DASH Group
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The DASH Group

The world of medical crisis.
An intimidating, confusing place.
Relatives find themselves sucked inexorably into a whirling maelstrom of decision-making, doctors, medication and reams and reams of well-meaning advice.
Every family member wants only gold-standard care for their loved-one, but confronted with a dizzying array of options, it is extremely challenging to stay grounded. How can you make the right decisions when you are lacking information? How can you be certain that the information you have is correct? And how can you be expected to even understand the information when it is peppered with words like “tachycardia,” “hypertension” and “orthopnoea”?
Enter the Dash Group.
The Dash Group is a caring, professional service that strips the patient’s medical journey of the fear factor. The in-house Medical Advocates extend a sympathetic hand and ear, offering clear explanations and advice and smoothing out the path with their contacts. They endeavour to reduce wait-times, obtain second opinions, and ensure that the treatment the patient receives is the sharpest out there. They will also work tirelessly with the local authority to ensure that families qualify for desperately-needed state-funded hours of home or nursing facility care. They ensure that the piles of paperwork are filled out correctly, the endless meetings achieve their goal, and the final care package is neatly wrapped up with a ribbon on top.
The Dash Group also maintain a Shabbos room in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Shabbos food, nosh, sefarim, couches), a number of kosher food boxes in the RVI and Freeman Hospitals, and a pay-after-Shabbos Taxi service. They have made a wheelchair-access car available to members of the Kehilla for not only medical appointments, but also an invigorating trip to the park. Finally, the Dash Group keeps a medical equipment lending-service in tip-top condition, so that crutches, wheelchairs, hospital beds, knee scooters – and much, much more – can be accessed easily and immediately when required.
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