Beis Medrash Tiferes Mordechai
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Beis Medrash Tiferes Mordechai

Khal Tiferes Mordechai began as a modest group of Bnei Torah united by a daily iyun shiur led by their illustrious maggid shiur, R’ Eliezer Apter.
Today, these Bnei Torah start and end their days in the Koslei Bais Hamedrash and are focused on Limud Hatorah at every opportunity.
The fledgling kehilla has since expanded to include over one hundred mispallelim and more than fifty monthly shiurim.
The explosion in members is largely due to the overwhelming demand for what the Tiferes Mordechai shiurim offer to the entire Lakewood community, and has forced upon the kehilla the realization that a permanent, suitable beis hamedrash is imperative to their continued learning and growth.
Your generous support will help gather the necessary funds to build this מקדש מעט.
Donate today and gain the boundless zechus of torah and tefillah!
