תפארת לישראל
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In memory of the Gaon and Tzaddik

Rav David Bussu ztvk”l




The "Tiferet LeYisrael" Institutions

Established in honor of the Tzaddik, Moreinu, the Crown of Our Heads, Rav Yisrael Abuchatzeira ztvk”l – Sidna Baba Sali zy”a

Founded by his grandson, the Gaon and Tzaddik, our master and teacher, 

Harav Shlomo Bussu shlita


The weekly shiur of the Rav shlita takes place every Thursday at 21:30 

at the Tiferet LeYisrael Shul 

located at 25 Givat Shaul Street, Yerushalayim, 

followed immediately afterward by private audiences (kabalat kahal) with the Rav shlita.


The Institutions’ Projects 

Establishment and operation of a Shul and Beit Midrash 

in memory of the Taddik Rav Yisrael Abuchatzeira ztvk”l


The support of Heaven-fearing men in a kollel network, which includes a Netz Hachamah kollel, a full day kollel, an Erev Shabbat kollel, and a Shabbat and Motzaei Shabbat kollel.


A publicly available library with valuable sefarim


Support of a bein haz’manim yeshivah


Helping and encouraging children to participate in the 

Avot Uvanim (Father/Sons) learning program on Shabbat and motzaei Shabbat


Kiruv Rechokim 


Chessed Projects

Support of needy families


Counsel and Guidance in Shidduchim

Establishment of the “Matzati” (Found at Last) organization – a solution for finding appropriate shidduchim


Institute for the publishing of sefarim and shiurim of the Rav shlita


The Sta”m Institute 

Production of mehudar (high-quality) Sifrei Torah, Tefillin, and Mezuzot under the supervision of Moreinu Harav shlita


"Tiferet LeYisrael" Fund for the Institutions’ Buildings


To join the WhatsApp group and receive the weekly bulletin, a daily shiur, and updates, please follow the link: 




Come and join us, and become a partner

in the projects of Moreinu VeRabeinu shlita Shalita
