Yad Eliezer
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Yad Eliezer

Yad Eliezer is one of Israel's largest poverty relief agencies. We make a difference. So can you. Food Boxes packaging & so much more.

Yad Eliezer got its start four decades ago, in the kitchen of the Weisel family of Jerusalem. They prepared a food basket for a neighbor who could not feed her children. Soon, they were delivering monthly food baskets to numerous hungry families. To date, Yad Eliezer encompasses more than 20 primary economic and social service programs which impact tens of thousands of families and individuals.

Food Boxes In Israel: Going hungry is a part of daily life for countless Israeli families. Our food boxes alleviate that hunger for thousands of them and you can help.

Widows and Orphans Fund: The Widows and Orphans Fund supports hundreds of families monthly with dignity, by coordinating a range of services for those who have experienced untimely loss.

Big Brothers, Big Sisters Israel: Thousands of boys and girls from dysfunctional homes in Israel are given the chance for a healthy future thanks to the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Program.

Emergency Financial Assistance Fund: We provide emergency financial assistance for thousands of families each year. Please support this life saving project by giving generously.

Feed A Baby In Israel For Just $1 a Day: The Feed-a-Baby program answers the cries of hungry infants across Israel by providing the nutrition necessary for development during the first months of life.

Adopt-a-Wedding: For over 20 years, we have been catering simple but elegant weddings for couples who otherwise could not afford it. To date Yad Eliezer has helped over 13,000 couples celebrate their special day with dignity.

Yissachar/Zevulun: Support Talmidei Chachamim in their learning.

Donations can be sent to: 69 Golders Gardens, London, NW11 9BS, BACS Sort code: 20-29-41 Acc: 53747212
www.yadeliezer.org • 07710 523 919. ukoffice@yadeliezer.org
Registered Charity No: 1115426
We are deeply grateful for all donations and contributions.
