Eretz Hakodesh UK
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For many years, liberal movements have enjoyed substantial power in their representation of worldwide Jewry. This influence has enabled them to operate effectively in Israel and shape various cultural, social, and political narratives.

Since the 2020 elections for the World Zionist Congress, representatives of Eretz HaKodesh have been elected to various positions within Zionist institutions and have worked to realize the objectives of Eretz HaKodesh. To continue our work, we call upon all members of Orthodox communities in the Diaspora to participate in the elections and vote for the Eretz HaKodesh representative list. This will strengthen the influence of the movement in the World Zionist Congress and allow us to significantly impact the activities of national institutions.

The positions held by national institutions significantly impact various issues in the State of Israel. KKL operates in diverse areas, including education and regional development in different cities, including Chareidi communities. The World Zionist Organization (WZO) is considered the official representative of the Jewish Diaspora, and various government projects are carried out in collaboration with the leaders of the WZO. Participation in the elections will enable Eretz HaKodesh representatives to continue working in all areas of national institutions, representing Torah Judaism and the values of Toras Yisrael.

In terms of financial support, liberal movements have benefited from substantial budgets for many years. According to the testimony of Reform movement leaders in 2020, they received an annual budget of $4 million for their activities in Israel, in addition to other funds for youth activities and various organizations worldwide. Similar sums were allocated to the Conservative movement as well.

The Problem

A group of Jews residing outside of Israel wields significant influence over matters in Eretz Yisroel, impacting issues that affect Klal Yisroel daily. This select group—often challenging our Torah values and disregarding the sanctity of our land—has sway over various matters, including the Kosel, conversion processes, public transportation on Shabbos, kashrus standards, yeshiva students serving in the military, and much more.

Over the past three decades, the World Zionist Organization (WZO) has been increasingly dominated by left-wing groups, ignoring the pleas of the Torah community to cease implementing policies against our values and mekomos hakedoshim. The WZO in Israel is a powerful entity with serious influence and a robust budget, claiming to represent the global Jewish community's stance on critical issues. It oversees and influences various entities, including the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and Keren Kayemet L’Yisrael (KKL).

Orthodox Jewry, the most rapidly growing and vibrant segment of the Jewish Diaspora, has not been adequately represented within these places of influence. Many within the Orthodox community advocate for greater representation and influence within these organizations to better align policies with Torah values and the interests of observant Jews worldwide.

The Solution

Every five years, the WZO conducts worldwide elections to select approximately 500 delegates to represent global Jewry, influencing various aspects of Israeli society. In the UK our representation is based on the number of members we have.

In 2020, guided by gedolei Yisroel, a small group championing Torah values and the sanctity of Eretz Yisroel mobilized major American Orthodox communities, securing sufficient votes to assume a significant role in accurately representing Diaspora Jewry in the World Zionist Congress. Named Eretz HaKodesh, this group garnered 25 seats in a resounding first-time-ever victory, demonstrating the strength and prominence of those it represents. 

The Vision

Eretz HaKodesh seeks to rectify the lack of representation of Orthodox communities in the Diaspora and enable a fair and equitable distribution of budgets that properly reflects the true power dynamics of Jews worldwide.

The vision of the movement is to represent the Orthodox communities in the Diaspora and present their voices to the official institutions in Israel. Over the years, liberal movements have gained influence as exclusive representatives of the Jewish Diaspora. From this position, they seek to advance agendas and impact critical issues related to matters of religion and state in Israel.

Our Mission

Eretz HaKodesh is recognized by official institutions in the State of Israel as the representative of Orthodox communities in the Diaspora. In this capacity, we work on various issues to present the positions of the community members to government ministries and relevant institutions on matters related to the Jewish Diaspora.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, we assisted in reaching an agreement on a plan that allowed yeshiva students from abroad to enter Israel despite the strict entry limitations imposed on visitors. Thanks to the arrangement, tens of thousands of students were able to enter throughout the year to study in yeshivos and seminaries. Today, we are dealing with issues related to the welfare of yeshiva students, arranging entry permits for students, addressing the legal status of yeshiva students from abroad who hold Israeli citizenship, exempting yeshiva students from the IDF draft under “Toraso Umnaso,” and more.

In addition, Eretz HaKodesh represents Jews from abroad and communities of new immigrants, providing assistance in various activities and budgets to help them cope with the challenges of immigration and absorption in Israel. By signing up on this page, you agree to become a member of Eretz HaKodesh UK and to all the conditions that EHK UK accepts.


·        Assistance was provided to 110 yeshivos and seminaries in addressing visa, passport, and army-related issues.

·        3000 students from chutz la’aretz participated in 170 trips and activities in the Galil and Golan.

·        3500 students in camps in the United States enjoyed a sponsored educational program about kedushas Eretz Yisroel and mitzvos hateluyos ba’aretz.

·        Shmittah was kept k’halacha on more than 30,000 dunams of KKL-owned land in Eretz Yisrael for the first time in history; all the olive and carob trees were harvested under the guidelines of otzar beis din.

·        $3,000,000 was funded for global Jewish causes.

·        Over $150,000 was allocated for career training for hundreds of chareidi American women in Eretz Yisroel.

·        Approximately 40,000,000 Israeli shekels have been secured annually for programs for struggling teens.

·        Over 350 families of children with special needs were serviced.

·        13,000 seminary students participated in a tefillah rally to preserve the sanctity of the Kosel.

·        Community events for American families in Eretz Yisroel and Eretz HaKodesh-sponsored kollelim for American baalei batim in Eretz Yisroel have been arranged.

·        During the current war, bulletproof vests have been provided to soldiers, meals have been served to thousands of families who have been displaced from their homes, and Eretz HaKodesh has worked non-stop in coordination with other organizations to do whatever needs to be done in this time of crisis.


Are the Gedolim behind Eretz Hakodesh?
Yes, very much so. The movement of Eretz HaKodesh has received the endorsement and support of numerous esteemed rabbinic leaders and Torah authorities, including blessings & encouragement from HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and HaRav Gershon Edelstein. In the UK, Rav Avroham Gurvitz has been a significant supporter. These Gedolim recognize the critical importance of having strong representation for Orthodox Jewish values in the World Zionist Organization (WZO) and other national institutions. They have guided and supported our efforts, understanding that this representation is vital for ensuring the interests and values of Torah-observant communities are preserved and promoted both in Israel and the Diaspora.

What do I gain in Chutz LeAretz?
By participating in this campaign, members of the Diaspora community can directly impact the well-being and future of Eretz Yisroel, which we all care deeply about and visit frequently. Additionally, the initiatives and programs we advocate for will benefit Orthodox communities worldwide. This includes support for yeshivos, seminaries, and other religious institutions, as well as addressing critical issues such as immigration, youth engagement, and social services for new immigrants. Your involvement ensures that these vital services and support systems remain strong and effective.

Who will represent us?
Eretz HaKodesh will appoint representatives who embody and advocate for Torah values. These representatives are carefully chosen for their commitment to our community's principles and their ability to effectively communicate and negotiate on our behalf. Our representatives are dedicated to ensuring that the needs and concerns of the Orthodox community are prioritized and addressed in all relevant forums, making sure our voice is strong and clear in national discussions.

Why is the left so dangerous?
The left-wing factions within these institutions have historically pushed agendas that often conflict with traditional Torah values and practices. As their influence grows, they continue to promote policies that undermine the sanctity of religious practices and sites. This includes advocating for changes to conversion processes, pushing for public transportation on Shabbos, and challenging traditional kashrus standards. Their dwindling numbers have made them more aggressive in trying to reshape Jewish identity and practice, which poses a significant threat to maintaining the religious integrity and traditions that are central to our community.