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Бонусная Цель
Первоначальная Цель {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

Like the Menorah's flame, Eilecha’s innovative approach aims to spread a Yiddishkeit of light, warmth, and vibrancy in the local community and beyond. Ещё ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} с  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Like the Menorah's flame, Eilecha’s innovative approach aims to spread a Yiddishkeit of light, warmth, and vibrancy in the local community and beyond. Our weekly school sessions and community shiurim provide meaningful opportunities to connect to the inner light of Torah. This light, like the soul to the body, infuses our avodas Hashem with vitality and purpose.

The perspectives that guide all of our content and programming are rooted in an empowering message of compassion, hope, and healing—a proactive antidote to the spiritual and emotional challenges facing our generation. Through in-person and online classes, community events, courses, and immersive musical tefilla experiences, we strive to inspire and uplift. Everything we do is grounded in our vision of the soul, the "ner Hashem nishmas adam," as a flame ever-striving upward, yearning for closeness with its Source—an authentic relationship with our Creator.

Since our inception, Eilecha has transformed the lives of thousands of Jews of all ages and backgrounds through hundreds of events and initiatives. This Chanukah, please partner with us in fueling Eilecha’s flame, spreading light and hope to more people in more places.

Thank you!