Cheder Eitz Chaim
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
{{secondaryProgressCount()}} {{campaign.secondaryProgressName}}
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Original Goal {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} with  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Cheder Eitz Chaim was founded by Rabbi Simcha Klein with the goal to build the future תלמידי חכמים וגדולי ישראל of Klal Yisrael. In our Cheder, we strive to instill in each Talmid אהבת התורה, מידות טובות, יראת שמים, love and care in a happy relaxed atmosphere. The Cheder is flourishing under the expert leadership of our esteemed Menahel, Rabbi Yaakov Landesman, along with our handpicked, skilled and devoted rebbeim who work diligently to help each and every talmid blossom to reach his fullest potential.

Our talmidim have the zechus to begin their journey with the exciting teachings of Rabbi Yaakov Shalom Schwartz, veteran mechanech, who sets the tone for all the Rebbeim through his unique approach of bringing each and every lesson alive.

Cheder Eitz Chaim has grown remarkably since its establishment just nine years ago. The excitement with which the talmidim come to Cheder each day attests to their hatzlacha.

Our Journey Continues
After nine years of growing, the time has now come for us to build our own מקום תורה. We were B"H zoche to purchase a property for our building. It is now time to begin the preparations to start building. As you know the undertaking of such a project comes along with an astronomical expense. Together with our devoted parents and friends, this challenge can be overcome.

Join our effort
On January 26th we are launching our Hashlem Campaign. Please consider giving from your time and devotion to help the cheder in any way you can. We thank you for your unwavering support.

Let’s make a difference together!
