The Edmond J Safra Synagogue
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The Edmond J. Safra Synagogue has evolved into the community hub envisioned by its namesake. The synagogue offers regular services such as daily minyanim, daily and nightly learning programs, liturgy studies, and daily tehillim readings. Furthermore, Plus ...

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The Edmond J. Safra Synagogue has evolved into the community hub envisioned by its namesake. The synagogue offers regular services such as daily minyanim, daily and nightly learning programs, liturgy studies, and daily tehillim readings.

Furthermore, the synagogue has grown into an important social, cultural, and educational hub, hosting conferences and lectures, parenting and cooking classes, singles events, children's programs, and a variety of cultural and educational events.

Chazak, the synagogue's outreach arm dedicated to empowering individuals and communities through Torah education, mentorship, and community events and support, was founded by Rabbi Shlomo Farhi.
Its mission is to make the world a place where everyone has access to the beautiful, rich wisdom found in our Sephardic heritage, allowing individuals and communities to reach their full potential and live meaningful lives.
We believe that everyone, regardless of background or circumstance, deserves high-quality education and support.
As a result, we work with schools, community centers, and other organizations to provide programs and resources that help people of all ages learn, grow, and thrive.
We also have a social media arm that distributes classes to thousands of people worldwide.  

You can help ensure that the Synagogue and Chazak have the resources they need to continue their important work by contributing to this fundraising campaign.

Contributing to the fundraising campaign allows individuals to demonstrate their support for the Jewish future as well as their desire to inspire the next generation of young leaders in order to create a stronger, more vibrant community.

Your financial contribution will make a positive impact today and for generations to come!