Ezras Achim
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
{{secondaryProgressCount()}} {{campaign.secondaryProgressName}}
Objetivo del Bonus
Objetivo inicial {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

Idealistic young families from all over the world settle in Eretz Yisroel with a shared vision: to learn b’hasmada for as long as they can.  Happy to get by with the bare minimum, each yungerman’s learning takes center stage while his family lives on a shoestring budget.

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This campaign has ended, you can make a donation by clicking on the 'Donate' button, where you will be redirected to the donation page

Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} con  {{donor.teamName}} 


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{{community.totalRaisedQty}} Donaciones


Idealistic young families from all over the world settle in Eretz Yisroel with a shared vision: to learn b’hasmada for as long as they can.  Happy to get by with the bare minimum, each yungerman’s learning takes center stage while his family lives on a shoestring budget. 

When a yungerman is going through a difficult time or unexpected expenses crop up – such as a wife on bedrest or a child needing therapy – it can become nearly impossible to make it through the month. When the challenge of being far from family is coupled with financial stress, it really takes a toll on the family. 

Enter Ezras Achim.  Ezras Achim, like family - notices, cares, and provides financial assistance with dignity to ease the burden, whether it be monthly or as a one-time emergency help. 

Our goal: Our brothers, our yungerleit, our Lomdei Torah can continue learning Torah in Eretz Yisrael with dignity and peace of mind.

Under the direct leadership of the Vaad Roshei Hayeshivos, we dispense over $2M+ annually in monthly stipends and yom tov support. 

Partner with us and experience the deep satisfaction of knowing your efforts are helping hundreds of committed American, UK and European Bnei Torah get through the month.

Our zechus, our pride, our privilege - Be a part of it!

USA Details

Ezras Achim
US federal Tax ID 11-272-4334

Bank Transfer

Routing number: 021 001 088
Account number: 050 003 674
Account name: Ezras Achim

ZELLE: donate@EzrasAchim.Org

Checks can be mailed to:
Ezras Achim
2119-79th Street
Brooklyn NY 11214


UK Details

Ezras Achim UK
UK Registered Charity # 1204163

Bank Transfer
Wise Payments Ltd.
Account Number: 92144134
Sort code 23-14-70

Cheques & Vouchers can be mailed to:
Ezras Achim UK
c/o Binyomin Green
17 Princes Park Avenue
London NW11 0JR



Checks can be mailed to:
Jewish Heritage Foundation
32 Brookview Toronto
M6A 2K2

Memo: Ezras Achim



Ezras Achim

Bank Transfer
Pagi -52
Branch 185 – Geulah
Account Number: 682772

IBAN code IL900521850000000682772
Swift code: FIRBILTXX
Bank name: The First International Bank of Israel
Beneficiary Name: Ezras Achim
Bank Address: 12 Amos Street Jerusalem