Fight For Our Future
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Over all these months, we’ve needed CAA. But now they need us. Ещё ...

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On our streets, on campuses and online, in our workplaces, schools and even in hospitals, we are seeing antisemitic hate and the glorification of terror. Britain is a country that prides itself on tolerance and diversity, but right now extremism is rife and Jews are afraid. That’s why our community needs Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA).

Since 7th October, CAA has been working around the clock, reporting multitudes of cases to the police and regulatory authorities, applying pressure to the criminal justice authorities and political parties, holding meetings with politicians, submitting complaints to broadcasters, supporting students on campus, engaging in countless media appearances and putting antisemitism on the front pages, conducting vital polling to inform national policy, sending teams to gather evidence and expose the hate at weekly protests, leading the fight against antisemitism on social media, running billboard and digital van campaigns to raise awareness of the hostages, fielding an unprecedented number of queries from the public, supporting victims, delivering educational sessions, holding public events and demonstrations and, of course, organising the national March Against Antisemitism, which assembled over 100,000 Jews and non-Jews in the largest gathering against antisemitism in Britain since the Battle of Cable Street almost a century ago.

Over all these months, we’ve needed CAA. But now they need us.

CAA needs the financial resources in place to monitor, document and prosecute antisemitic crimes and glorification of terrorism; to expose antisemites and educate and empower the next generation.

Every donation will be doubled.

These are difficult and uncertain times. Whether we will be living under the same Government, a new Government or no Government, CAA will continue to fight to defend British Jews across our society.

Thank you for your support!

What is Campaign Against Antisemitism?

CAA is a registered charity dedicated to exposing and countering antisemitism through education and zero-tolerance enforcement of the law. We operate nationally, with volunteers across the entire country.

It is the support of people like you that makes the work that we do possible, so that we can identify those responsible for antisemitic crime and bring criminal, regulatory, or other legal proceedings. Nobody else does what we do.

We must ensure that antisemites face ruinous consequences for their actions. That is what zero-tolerance of antisemitism means.

To read more about our work, please visit our website, subscribe to our mailing list, or join our hundreds of volunteers. You can also follow us on social media @antisemitism.