It's Time to Cure
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Matchers Challenge Goal
Первоначальная Цель {{campaign.goal|currency}}
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It is a dream come true that we have reached our £2m target with a few hours still left to go! Our generous matcher is encouraging us to hit £2.5m in our final final round! We will do this. It's Time to Cure.

We won’t settle for incurable. It’s nearly 100 years since the first ever diagnosis of follicular lymphoma (FL). Yet it’s nearly fifty years since the last major scientific discovery was made that changed the landscape of treatment for FL.

Today we are aiming to raise £1m to fund our programmes across the board. If we can raise more, it will give us the power to accelerate the progress in 2022. Ещё ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} с  {{donor.teamName}} 


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We won’t settle for incurable

It’s nearly 100 years since the first ever diagnosis of follicular lymphoma (FL).

Yet it’s nearly fifty years since the last major scientific discovery was made that changed the landscape of treatment for FL.

Yet follicular lymphoma is the 2nd most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma.  And there is still no cure.

Research and science have progressed rapidly – survival rates for some cancers have increased dramatically. Yet follicular lymphoma receives comparatively little funding and little attention – unless you know someone with FL you are unlikely to have heard of it. 

Nobody should live with an incurable cancer - when we can change that.

With the right resources and the right people in our corner, plus the best and most advanced research programmes, we will find a cure – and fast. 

Our aim is that by the 100th anniversary of the first diagnosis of FL we will be on the path to a cure – better and less toxic and debilitating treatments, as well as improving the personal journey of every patient.

Today we are aiming to raise £1m to fund our programmes across the board. If we can raise more, it will give us the power to accelerate the progress in 2022.

The more money we can raise and more patients who join the faster we will be able to get to our goal and the FLF’s mission to find a cure.

But we need your help.  Donate today, save lives tomorrow. The time to cure is now. 

Thank you to our creative agency Creative & Commercial