Chabad Francophone Maida Vale
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{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}
Этот кампейн является частью   Chabad UK Giving Day , Всего собрано £1 557 809

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{{donor.timeAgo}} с  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Dear Friend 

When we arrived in London seven years ago, we met a great demand among the French speakers who live here, for the atmosphere they were used to. I immediately volunteered to help and became the address for any Jewish matter necessary, such as private Torah lessons and other Jewish needs.
Over the years the demand grew, until it was decided to make our activity permanent. And about a year ago, we moved to Maida vale - a neighborhood with a large number of Jewish French speaking people.
Naturally, the activites expanded to larger dimensions. 
Currently, it includes everything that a regular Chabad house provides all year long; 
from Torah lessons, Shabbat meals, monthly gatherings for women, holiday celebrations... To circumcision, bar mitzvahs, weddings and more.
The goal for the coming year, in addition to expanding the existing activities, is to open a permanent place as our center.
And, for the first time in London, to establish our French Talmud Torah.
The uniqueness of our programs is that it provides a home to every French speaking person. A home where he feels his natural self, and from there grows and develops in every field in Judaism. 
Today, help us so that we can continue to help you in every way!!!

Yossef & Sheyni Naparstek