Gateshead Kehilla Kollel
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Gateshead Kehilla Kollel was founded under the direction and auspices of Maran Rosh HaYeshiva Shlita in Elul of 5781... More ...

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Gateshead Kehilla Kollel was founded under the direction and auspices of Maran Rosh HaYeshiva Shlita in Elul of 5781.
The initial Chabura led by Rabbi Benzion Zahn welcomed 20 new families to Gateshead. Since then, the Kollel has grown exponentially and now has 60 Yungerleit spread through 3 Chaburos. In the last year alone, we welcomed 20 new Yungerleit!
Last year the Kehilla Kollel adopted "Hanechmodim - the treasured" as the guiding principal and core value. The concept being "the Yungerman" who ligs in lernen, is our greatest treasure and it is our honour and privilege to facilitate their aliyah. 
The result, in a single day there are 10 Chaburos, 2 Gemoro shiurim and 250+ Loimdim from across the Kehilla, culminating to over 800 hours of Torah learning every single day!
This year’s budget currently stands at £1,164,200.
As we look to build on this ambitious project and continue to build Torah in the UK, your support will enable us to secure our current budget to allow us to continue building.