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{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

Haderech provides a ‘home’ for those who want to grow in רוחניות with the aim of inspiring spiritual growth & being מחזק שמירת תורה ומצוות. More ...

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Raised Of

Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} with  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Team Page


Rabbinical Guidance:

Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman Shlita

Our Team:

  • Director—R’Aviv Bar-Ilan
  • Senior Educator—R’Shmuel Schwarz
  • Operations Manager—R’Avi Yodaiken

Assistant Operations – R Chaim Bowden

Mrs Friedie Cope – Project Manager

R’Dovid Eisenberg – Educator

Mrs R Bondi - Educator


  • Charles Bursk
  • Daniel Gordon
  • Dovid Nissenbaum


Mission Statement:

Haderech provides a ‘home’ for those who want to grow in רוחניות with the aim of inspiring spiritual growth & being מחזק שמירת תורה ומצוות.
Haderech supports and nurtures the growth of many families and individuals.  Whether they are Baalei Teshuva or have been raised observant.
We are there to guide them on their continuous journey on every level in all areas, including שלום בית and חינוך הבנים.

Our Growth:

In the 6 years since we launched Haderech, we have enjoyed a steady & sustained growth in all of our programmes.  With shiurim every night of the week, regular residential get-away seminars & annual international European trips.

∙·         Regular Manchester Programs

  • Gemoroh Programme
  • Halocho Shiur
  • 121 Learning
  • Derech Hashem with Rabbi Mordechai Goodman
  • Nefesh Hachaim with Rabbi Aviv Bar Ilan
  • Ladies Hashkofa with Rabbi Shmuel Schwarz
  • Thursday night Shmooze with Rabbi Shmuel Schwarz
  • Weekly Alshich Shiur with Rabbi Shmuel Schwarz

London, Manchester and Gateshead Programs:

  • Haderech/CCHF Daily Shemiras Haloshon with Harav Shraga Feivel Zimmerman & Reb Ephraim Shapiro Shlita,
  • Haderech/Hachzek Daily Musar Yomi with UK and International Speakers , reaching over 20,000 viewers
  • Special Live Shiurim and Events with UK and International Speakers
  • Bank Holiday and Pre-Yom Tov Live Shiurim followed by Q & A 
  • Pre-Yom Tov Inspirational Online Videos with UK and International Speakers ,reaching over 20,000 viewers
  • Haderech Adult and Kids Kuntress Publications for every Yom Tov  
  • Haderech/CCHF Tisho‘h Be’ov Kids Video
  • Weekly Chaburas ,Socials & Other Children’s Events 


  • Poland Trip
  • Trip to Conwy,Wales
  • Ladies Trip

Manchester Haderech Teens:

  • Leil Shishi-Motzei Shabbos teens Girls
  • Q&A with Haderech

Online Shiurim:

  • Halocho with Haderech R’ Dovid Eisenberg
  • Mussar Yomi (Haderech with Hachzek)
  • Shemiras Haloshon with CCHF

Haderech Inspired Publications:

  • Haderech Inspired Kuntreisim/Publications (Adult and Kids) for every Yom Tov

Haderech Inspirational Videos :

  • Pre-Yom Tov Halocho and Inspirational Videos with UK and International Speakers ,Reaching over 20,000 viewers

