Herriot Hospice@Lambert
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
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Objectif originel {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

Revised Goal!
In response to the extraordinary surge of support from our community, we’re absolutely delighted that our matchers have offered an extra £50,000 of matched funding for the campaign – this means we are able to increase our goal to £400,000, which together with the money raised and pledged to date will mean we can achieve all of the remaining funds for our capital appeal! Plus ...

This campaign has ended, you can make a donation by clicking on the 'Donate' button, where you will be redirected to the donation page
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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} avec  {{donor.teamName}} 


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{{community.totalRaisedQty}} Dons
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In response to the extraordinary surge of support from our community, we’re absolutely delighted that our matchers have offered an extra £50,000 of matched funding for the campaign – this means we are able to increase our goal to £400,000, which together with the money raised and pledged to date will mean we can achieve all of the remaining funds for our capital appeal!

This community is made up of passionate local people, groups and businesses, trusts and generous individuals and our exceptional matched funders. It is a community that Herriot is proud and humbled to be at the heart of.

Herriot Hospice@The Lambert is our new local hospice and together we can open the doors this year so that people in Hambleton and Richmondshire can get the right care, at the right time - in the right place.

This exciting 36-hour appeal will bring individuals, community groups and businesses together, united in one goal – to Make our Local Hospice Happen.

During this 36 hour period, every donation made will be DOUBLED, as we race towards our £300,00 target.

Your new local hospice will offer inpatient care, emotional wellbeing and bereavement support, as well as a community hub open to all. It will also provide a permanent base for the charity’s much loved existing HOME services.

It will cost more than £1.7m to make this vision a reality, and thanks to extraordinary community support, we have been able to begin the construction phase. But we still have more to raise.

This transformational appeal will, with your help, raise £300,000 in 36 hours to support completion of our construction work and open the doors of Herriot Hospice@The Lambert this year.

Join us to be part of this wonderful new chapter in the life of the former Lambert Memorial Hospital and help more families living with terminal illness and bereavement in our communities.