קהל אור יהושע קאפיטשניץ
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Among the many shuls and institutions dotting the Lakewood landscape, one stands apart and stands out in a uniquely special way: Ohr Yehoshua Kapishnitz. Mehr ...

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The Lakewood community continues to experience much-welcome growth today — geographically, demographically and of course, spiritually.
Among the many shuls and institutions dotting the Lakewood landscape, one stands apart and stands out in a uniquely special way: Ohr Yehoshua Kapishnitz.
This center of Torah and tefilah bears the name of the great tzaddikim of yesteryear and has its roots firmly planted in the venerable Rizhin dynasty.
In service of Klal Yisroel 
The Kapishnitz kehilla is notable for the way it warmly serves Yidden—all Yidden—with every service a shul or kehilla ought to.
From the range of shiurei Torah that cover various subjects and even languages; to the incredible chesed performed for one another; to the warm and welcome environment; to the sounds of Torah and tefilah that ring out across the beis medrash day and night; this is a special place and one that embodies what Kapishnitz has always stood for.
Every kehilla member, every mispalel, and even the one-time visitor finds himself at home in the warm confines of the Kapishnitz-Lakewood beis medrash.
Powering the future
The kehilla, led and regularly visited by the Rebbe Shlita, and named after his legendary grandfather ZT”L, has unsurprisingly experienced tremendous growth B”H in recent years and become a center of spiritual life for Yidden across the neighborhood.
Today, the time has come for a new space to accommodate this bastion of Torah, avodah and chesed.
A suitable property has been purchased. Plans have been drawn up. Now comes the building phase.
But we can’t do it without your support!
We turn to Klal Yisroel with a plea and an invite: please help us in this vital mission and secure your part in endless Torah and tefilah for years to come.
Kapishnitz needs you.
Lakewood needs you.
Klal Yisroel needs you.
The zechus of the tzaddikim from our past and the zechus of endless davening and learning in the future will stand beside you and be a source of tremendous Bracha in your home.
Thank You.