- {{teams.current.teamName}}
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Первоначальная Цель {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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Kisharon offers education, opportunity and support for people with learning disabilities and their families throughout life’s journey. Ещё ...

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{{donor.timeAgo}} с  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Kisharon offers education, opportunity and support for people with learning disabilities and their families throughout life’s journey. Kisharon’s education and employment services, together with our innovative social enterprises and supported living schemes, offers everyone we support the ability to thrive, learn, grow and feel valued in the community. At the heart of all our services lie Jewish values and beliefs.

  • Tuffkid Nursery is an Oftsted ‘Outstanding’, inclusive space, offering children the ability to learn and develop together through play.
  • The Kisharon Wohl Campus, Kisharon Noé School & Loftus Learning Centre offers a rich and varied curriculum within state-of-the-art facilities.
  • This past year, Kisharon’s social enterprise teams fulfilled holiday gift orders for shuls and schools across London. The Kisharon Bike Shop provides over 3,000 hours of supported employment every year.
  • Kisharon offers our supported living tenants freedom and independence, with the ability to choose how they live their lives, whilst simultaneously providing long-term assurance to their parents and relatives.

However, the future sees an anticipated 12% increase in demand for our services. This forecast, coupled with crippling social care cuts and increasing inflation rates, means we need your help now.

Your ability to give = our ability to deliver vital services to everyone supported by Kisharon.

Thank you for your support!

Charity Registration No. 271519