Koilel Kerem Efraim
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Founded in 2017, Koilel Kerem Efraim is the leading halacha Koilel for English speakers in Yerushalayim. More ...

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Founded in 2017, Koilel Kerem Efraim is the leading halacha Koilel for English speakers in Yerushalayim. Bringing together yungerleit from across the world, from all different communities and backgrounds, with the common goal of learning halocha as it should be. The Koilel has covered the halachois of ברכות, נדה, איסור והיתר, בשר וחלב, מאכלי עכו''ם, הגעלת כלים, ריבית and שבת, learning them, from the sugyois all the way through to הלכה למעשה. Many of the yungerleit, past and present, have gone on to receive semicha on these subjects, and several are already paskening shailos.

The Koilel is named after our esteemed previous Rosh Chabura הרב הצדיק ר' אפרים לנדאו זצוק''ל who gave his heart and soul to the Koilel until his tragic פטירה last year, but who's legacy of ענוה, התמדה and חשקת התורה is still very much part of the Koilel.

Under the leadership of ראש כולל R' Avraham Katz Shlit'a, and ראש חבורה R' Arye Wachsman Shlit'a the Koilel is thriving ב''ה and what began as a half day Koilel with 11 yungerleit, has grown into a full day Koilel with 23 yungerleit.
We now turn to you for your help to allow the koilel to continue to grow and thrive!
Tizku Lemitzvois