Kollel LeHoroah
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Original Goal {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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Kollel LeHoroah Manchester was set up by Harav Shmuel Halpern – a Talmid of the illustrious Beis Din of Hagaon Harav Shmuel Wosner Zatzal – to assist its Avreichim to go out into the world capable of accurately paskening any sheilos that come their way. More ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} with  {{donor.teamName}} 


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It is the gift that keeps on giving and it’s currently giving Klal Yisroel the greatest gift of all.

מתנה גדולה יש לי..... ושבת שמה.....

Kollel LeHoroah Manchester was set up by Harav Shmuel Halpern – a Talmid of the illustrious Beis Din of Hagaon Harav Shmuel Wosner Zatzal – to assist its Avreichim to go out into the world capable of accurately paskening any sheilos that come their way.

Kollel LeHoroah, having already completed a cycle of Yoreh Deoh, including Niddoh, Issur V’heter and Ribbis, is currently finishing Hilchos Shabbos and humbly attributes its success to the careful planning and relentless execution of the Kollel’s rigorous learning schedule.

With a lot of Siyatat Dishmaya, the Kollel recently opened up a Beis Horoah L'Inyonei Ribbis and has published Kuntresim Ribbis Halocho L'maase.

The Kollel turns to you now, fully aware that times are hard, to join in supporting the Avreichim in their quest for perfection in Torah and with the zchus of your donation, may we all witness the arrival of the Yom Shekuloi Shabbos and greet the Moshiach today!