Kollel Mishmeres Chaim
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After recognising the strong need for a מקום תורה for אברכים to be able to Shteig in a Vibrant and Torahdik atmosphere, Reb Yaakov Leib Altusky שליט"א, founded Kollel Mishmeres Chaim. Ещё ...

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After recognising the strong need for a מקום תורה for אברכים to be able to Shteig in a Vibrant and Torahdik atmosphere, Reb Yaakov Leib Altusky שליט"א, founded Kollel Mishmeres Chaim. Since opening 7 years ago with just 6 אברכים, in חשון תשע"ו, the Kollel has grown both in size and in distinction.

With a specific focus on learning Sugyos down to the relevant הלכה למעשה, Mishmeres Chaim is uniquely positioned to provide a real מקום תורה for it’s אברכים.

Reb Yaakov Leib שליט"א was strongly supported to set up up a Kollel by ראש ישיבה – הגאון הרב אברהם גורביץ שליט"א, and as a grandchild of הגאון רב חיים פנחס שיינברג זצ"ל, he named the Kollel “Mishmeres Chaim” in honor of his late grandfather.  

The Kollel learn Gemora B’iyun along with the main Rishonim and then follow on with the relevant Halocha of each Sugya, from the Tur and Shulchon Oruch down to the practical Halacha. To date, the Kollel have covered Masechta Brochos, Masechta Sukka, relevant parts of Masechta Pesochim and are currently learning Masechta Shabbos. The Kollel also do constant Chazoros and have Farhers regularly.

The members of the Kollel are a close-knit group of dedicated and enthusiastic אברכים who learn with a passion, and have much פלפול חברים and ריתחא דאורייתא. The Rosh Kollel gives regular Chaburos and the אברכים are strongly encouraged to give הערות and חבורות as well.

Rabbi Shmuel Goldberg Shlita, emeritus Rov of Prestwich Shtieble, Nosi of the Kollel, is strongly connected to the Kollel and comes monthly to speak at the Kollel.

The Kollel also make an emphasis on having special Chaburos to learn and discuss the Divrei Torah of  הגאון רב חיים פנחס שיינברג זצ"ל, it is surely giving him much Nachas and Aliyas Neshomo. 

WE have recently raised our monthly stipend by 30% due to the Cost of Living Crisis – please can YOU help us to continue this vital necessity by generously donating an extra 30%. 


Kollel שמחת התורה is a new evening Kollel opened in Shtieble Prestwich in סיון תשפ"ב. The Kollel was initiated by the Rov Rabbi Yisroel Rose שליט"א, who acts as the נשיא הכולל. Rabbi Rose שליט"א appointed Rabbi Yaakov Leib Altusky שליט"א, famed for his שמחת התורה, to lead the Kollel and to be the ראש הכולל.

The Kollel was opened to raise the bar of Torah learning for working people, to have a daily חבורה learning סוגיות similar to the standard set in their days in Yeshiva. The Kollel learn סוגיות together with ראשונים and the relevant הלכות, and are currently learning מסכת ברכות.

The Kollel benefit from the presence of a number of אברכים who join the סדר, thus creating an enjoyable mix and strong atmosphere.

ב"ה the Kollel has caused a ripple effect and others come to learn in Shtieble Prestwich too, to benefit from the inspiring רוח.