Kollel Iyun
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Original Goal {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
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Kollel iyun, in the heart of Golders Green, has merited tremendous siyata dishmaya since its founding almost 3 years ago. More ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} with  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Kollel iyun, in the heart of Golders Green, has merited tremendous siyata dishmaya since its founding almost 3 years ago. The chabura was formed by a group of established lomdim, united in their goal to delve into sugyas while benefiting from regular shiurim and sichos given by Hagaon Rabbi Leizer Schlesinger shlita of Stamford Hill, as well as many other leading rabbonim.
Graciously hosted by Goschalks shul, with the full backing of Rabbi Refoel Goldblatt shlita the kollel has transformed this local beis medresh into a powerhouse of pure limud hatorah. The 14 yungerleit fueled by remarkable cheshkas hatorah are joined each day by local balebatim from the shul and beyond, where the sweet sounds of learning resound for all to bask and enjoy.
The achdus between the yungerleit, the hasmoda and lively pilpul chaveirim are renowned with many of the highest calibre avreichim clamouring to join, but not yet able to due to the limited funding.
For the first time, we are turning to you, our kehilla, who appreciate the eternal value of this incredible treasure to join us as shutfim. 
By supporting the kollel and ensuring the safe financial growth of this much-needed moised, this branch of the eitz hachaim will continue to bear fruits for many years to come, as together we branch out into eternity....
With heartfelt thanks,
Kollel Iyun