Kollel Kesser HaTorah
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לעילוי נשמת אשת חבר מרת יכט בת אברהם משה מייקל ע''ה Más ...


Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

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Kollel Kesser HaTorah: Invest in the Future of Torah

For well over 20 years, Kollel Kesser HaTorah has been a vibrant source of Torah learning, inspiring generations of students and marbitzei Torah. Every evening, our dedicated avreichim come together in the Beis Hamedrash, filling it with the sound of Torah study that resonates until late at night. This is where growth happens—where the seeds of future Talmidei Chachomim and Torah leaders are sown.

Our Kollel is a unique Makom Torah. The Kollel was established by Rabbi Yossi Galandauer shlit"a at the request of the Rosh Yeshiva of Tiferes Yaakov, HaRav Ezriel Jaffe shlit”a, and many former Bochurim recall the years that it enhanced the yeshiva's senior section Beis Hamedrash.

It now continues to attract a diverse, high-calibre, group of lomdim to Beis Hamedrash Beit Shmuel, who are driven by an ambitious, deep desire to grow in their learning. Whether it's consolidating their day’s study or exploring new areas of Torah, the atmosphere here is one of focus, energy, and relentless commitment. But this labour of love comes with financial challenges. With a monthly budget of close to £3,000, your support is crucial to keeping this wellspring of Torah alive.

Join Us in This Kiddush Hashem

Our previous matching campaigns were a success beyond our hopes, each securing two years of uninterrupted learning. Now, for the third time, as we look to the future, we turn to you—our friends, alumni, and supporters—to ensure that Kollel Kesser HaTorah continues to thrive.

Your contribution is more than just a donation: it’s a genuine partnership in the sacred task of harbotzas Torah. Together, we can ensure that this Makom Torah continues to illuminate the path for the next generation of Talmidei Chachomim.

Quotes from Our Lomdim:

  • "The dynamic atmosphere of Kollel Kesser Torah rejuvenates me, giving me the energy to learn yet another seder."
  • "Here, I can delve into topics outside my regular framework (מה שליבו חפץ), bringing immense satisfaction to my learning."
  • "The Rosh Kollel’s selfless dedication allows us to learn with peace of mind, without any distractions."
  • "These evening hours consolidate my day-time learning, positively impacting my entire day."
  • "As a former bochur, I remember the inspiration I drew from the Kollel. Now, as a member, that inspiration continues to guide me."

Support us today. Be a part of Torah’s future.