Kollel Shabbos
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Torah doesn’t take “weekends” or “holidays.” For serious yungeleit, the lack of the regular sedorim doesn’t hold them back. Mehr ...

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Torah doesn’t take “weekends” or “holidays.” For serious yungeleit, the lack of the regular sedorim doesn’t hold them back.

כי הם חיינו — Torah is our life.

Three years ago, two dedicated yungeleit were looking for a chaburah to join over Shabbos. A shtark chaburah, committed to learning Torah on busy Fridays – no matter how early Shabbos comes in, and on Shabbos – no matter how short the day. Unfortunately, such a kollel proved hard to find. To fulfil their dreams, they’d have to open their own kollel.

Never in their wildest dreams did they imagine the kollel becoming as large as it is today. What started as a small kollel for a minyan of avreichim became the flourishing Kollel Shabbos of 100 yungeleit, with many more desperate to join its ranks.


Because when yungeleit see Kollel Shabbos, they see more than a chaburah. They see a group of sincere avreichim whose dedication to Torah is incredible. Yes, their homes are busy on Friday. Yes, they’re tired from a week of shteiging. And yes, Shabbos is short for them, too. But week in, week out, they arrive to learn and grow.

Shabbos. The day of kedushah – the day Hashem set aside for learning Torah. On the very day Torah was given, these yungeleit continue to dive deep into the ים של תורה.

Most yungeleit in our kollel live on shoestring budgets. The regular kollel stipend they receive each month doesn’t even cover the rent. They need the money they receive from Kollel Shabbos to cover basic necessities. The 720 NIS they receive at the end of each month makes their burden that much easier to bear.

But we can’t do it without you.

With the kollel bursting at its seams, and with many more eager to join, we are hard-pressed to find the resources with which to pay these yungeleit. Yet how can we turn anyone away?

Torah. Shabbos. Eretz Yisrael. What greater zechus could there be?

Thank you.

