Kollel Volkan
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Original Goal {{campaign.goal|currency}}
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Kollel Tiferes Yechiel Volkan. Baruch Hashem 3 successful years has gone by, with more than 50 Talmidim! More ...

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Kollel Tiferes Yechiel Volkan. Baruch Hashem 3 successful years has gone by, with more than 50 Talmidim! 

Volkan is not just another ordinary Kollel, this is a unique Makom Torah, geared for older Bucherim who are post Eretz Yisrael, who wish to continue their learning in America in a Gishmake environment. 

In the past, staying in America was the struggle of every older Bucher, since there were no practical options that would fit his needs.
Volkan Kollel was seen as the perfect solution to amend this issue.

What started as a rather small Kollel, has now grown into a group of 30. There are a handful of Yungerleit (many who joined as Bucherim) to boost the Matzev, accompanied by the many Shiurim of our Rosh Ha’Kollel Rav Duvid Meir Derbaremdiger Shlit”a.
As an incentive, each Bucher and yungerman receives a monthly payment. This is truly a place for an older Bucher who wishes to continue his learning in a structured framework.

This Kollel was launched with the support and guidance of Rav Berish Friedman from Mir Yerushalayim.

Please donate generously to be Mechazek this Makom Torah and keep ‘CHAZUKEH’ of such an amazing place!
