Kollel Zichron Rus Rivka
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
{{secondaryProgressCount()}} {{campaign.secondaryProgressName}}
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Bonus Goal
Original Goal {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

Kollel Zichron Rus Rivka was founded over seven years ago by a small group of motivated yungerleit in Yerushalayim. Their goal was to learn practical halacha through a deep understanding of the sugyas, with a clarity that would also allow them to pasken on issues that would arise in the future. More ...

This is a matched campaign, every donation will be matched x2 by our generous matchers
Raised Of

Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} with  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Raised Of
Raised Of
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Money is worthless without smart investment. But even the wisest investments are not guaranteed. 

What if you really could find an investment with infinite value, 0% interest, 100% gain, and everlasting dividends? A foolproof investment! 

Does such a thing really exist?

The answer is, yes. 

Torah learning is an eternal investment. 

But can you truly invest in Torah? Can you buy a real share in Torah – are the profits yours to keep?

According to our gedolim – the answer is yes. In shamayim, a share in Torah is Torah itself.

When someone who supported Torah during his lifetime comes up to the Olam HaEmes, not only will he get schar for the mitzvah of supporting Torah, but he will actually know the Torah he supported. 

He will sit in the Yeshiva Shel Ma'aleh amongst the Talmidei Chachamim as a Talmid Chacham himself!

Imagine buying a share in Kollel Zichron Rus Rivka's Torah learning.

Kollel Zichron Rus Rivka was founded over seven years ago by a small group of motivated yungerleit in Yerushalayim. Their goal was to learn practical halacha through a deep understanding of the sugyas, with a clarity that would also allow them to pasken on issues that would arise in the future.

The Kollel opened with eight English speaking avreichim, led by Rosh Kollel Harav Moshe Feivelson shlit"a, and soon attracted even more yungerleit of high caliber to join its ranks. It has now grown to over 20 yungerleit. 

The Kollel learns in Yeshivas Chosein Yehoshua, Rabbi Beinstock's yeshiva, presenting the bochurim with a true example of devotion to Torah learning.

Kollel Zichron Rus Rivka is now running a 72 hour campaign, where we are selling 1,500 shares in our Kollel.

Each share costs only $120 for the year.
If you think about it, that's only 50 cents a day.
$2.50 a week.
$10 a month.
Or a $120 one time donation.

Do you want to invest in eternity? Buy your share, your chelek, in Kollel Zichron Rus Rivka. Investing in the Torah of Kollel Zichron Rus Rivka is the smartest, and most everlasting investment you'll ever make.

The profits are enormous. The opportunity is real. This is your chance to hold a share in the most valuable acquisition on earth. You won't regret it!

See below for the ways to make a tax deductible donation of any amount (Kollel Tax ID Number: 83-3996573):

If you would like to be charged weekly or have any other questions, please email kollelyerushalayim@gmail.com or call 516-340-3640 / 058-325-5276. 

May the zechus of the Torah learning of Kollel Zichron Rus Rivka bring tremendous bracha v'hatzlacha to all its supporters!!
