Kolel Zohov Mishvo
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
{{secondaryProgressCount()}} {{campaign.secondaryProgressName}}
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Ursprüngliches Ziel {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

Kollel Zohov Mishvo was founded in Manchester 10 years ago under the special guidance of Rabbi Moishe Wolf שליט"א. Mehr ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} mit  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Kollel Zohov Mishvo

Kollel Zohov Mishvo was founded in Manchester 10 years ago under the special guidance of Rabbi Moishe Wolf שליט"א.

Yungerleit are encouraged to become experts in specific מקצועות התורה, as well as gaining true בקיאות through constant חזרות. All of this is overseen by the care of the ראש הכולל who helps bring מן הכח אל הפועל the unique כוחות of each אברך.

Please help us to continue!