LJFC - Enriching Lives
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There are hundreds of families receiving support from the London Jewish Family Centre through a variety of services: the Family Support Service provides therapy, and emotional support, advocacy, liaison with Ещё ...

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There are hundreds of families receiving support from the London Jewish Family Centre through a variety of services: the Family Support Service provides therapy, and emotional support, advocacy, liaison with Courts- both religious and secular, Social Services and schools. A Benefits Clinic offering advice and signposting. Contact facilities for Court Mandated Supervised Contact and Handovers.

In addition, there are the dynamic and fun, developmental programmes for young children.

Last year’s Charity Extra was the foundation to move and develop the LJFC’s new home and build a stronger Family Support Team. Now we are looking to raise £200,000 – 65% of our Annual Budget -to ensure the continuation of our existing services and further grow our Team to meet an unprecedented demand; particularly since so many other services have closed their doors.

We need more Social Workers. More Family Support Workers to go into homes and help struggling families. More subsidies for Therapy for both adults and children.

LJFC also hope to expand their regular programmes at affordable prices. Many families who use their facilities find it difficult to meet the very reasonable charges, but with your help the Centre could help more struggling families access our facilities.

Adopt a Family Scheme

You pay £200 a month £2,400 a year and we provide services for a specific family. This may be therapy. It may be to replace a broken bunk bed;  it may be shoes that a child has kicked through in the middle of term.

You will receive a quarterly report of where your money went.

Give a £1 a day

A standing order of £30 a month will give us £300 a year towards Family Support work.

Subsidise therapy for a child or adult

Each session subsidy is about £40. 12 sessions could be a Standing Order of £40 a month.

Family Membership Card  £425 or by Standing Order of £36 a month

This will give a Family open access to activities and Fun Days run by the Centre. Especially in the winter, when the park is not an option this can be a lifeline for a family often living in crowded conditions

Saver Card £42

This will give a family 10 sessions of Music and Movement and Stay and Play.