MBD Community Mikvah
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In 1953, the Manchester Kehilla, though small, was strong in Yiddishkeit. A communal מקווה wasn’t just a want, it was a must. Plus ...

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{{donor.timeAgo}} avec  {{donor.teamName}} 


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In 1953, the Manchester Kehilla, though small, was strong in Yiddishkeit. A communal מקווה wasn’t just a want, it was a must.

With true מסירות נפש, Dayan Y.Y. Weiss zt’l and Dayan Y. Golditch zt’l led the efforts to establish the a מקווה, ensuring every detail was built with precision, care, and a deep sense of קדושה. It became more than a building; it became a מקדש מעט, a place of טהרה and renewal.

For decades, this מקווה has upheld the sacred מצווה of טהרת המשפחה, inspired מקוואות worldwide, and served as a haven for countless Yidden. But time has taken its toll, and urgent refurbishment is needed.

Our parents built this מקווה with sweat and תפילות. Now, it’s our turn.

Because a מקווה isn’t just a building, it’s who we are.
